High Quality
Doors, Windows & Conservatories

Welcome to Bayland Windows, Camberley’s best independent home improvement company. We guarantee a friendly, dedicated service and premium products. Contact us to learn more.

About us

Long-Lasting Products Fitted By Expert Installers

If you’re looking for top-quality windows, doors and conservatories at affordable prices, you’ve come to the right place. Our staff are passionate about home improvement and have years of experience to draw upon. 

We can help you design and install an incredible new installation that will last for many years and beautifully enhance your Surrey home. We have a wide range of aluminium and uPVC systems available, all widely customisable and made bespoke to order. Get a free quote and start your project today!

What out customers say

Case Study: Conservatory Upgrade

Case Study: Conservatory Upgrade

What should you do if your conservatory is starting to degrade? Why, give Bayland Windows a call and ask for … Continued

Case Study: Patio Door Replacement

Case Study: Patio Door Replacement

Check out another incredible case study from the Bayland Windows team. Last year, we worked on a new conservatory for … Continued

Case Study: Installing A New Composite Door

Case Study: Installing A New Composite Door

Replacing an old door with a composite door is a great way to breathe new life into a property. One … Continued


Get in touch with Bayland Windows today and find the best new fittings for your home. We offer affordable prices and an honest, friendly, expert service.

What Areas Do You Cover?

We are based out of Camberley and cover most of the surrounding towns across Surrey and over the county border into Hampshire. We’ve worked on projects in our home town, as well as Aldershot, Farnham, Blackwater, Guildford and nearby.

Which Is Better; uPVC Or Aluminium?

This is a common question but the answer varies depending on who is asking. uPVC and aluminium both have advantages and the best choice for one homeowner might not be suitable for the next.

Do You Have Composite Doors?

Yes, alongside our uPVC and aluminium doors, we also have some stunning composite doors available. We’ve partnered with Endurance Doors, a leading name in the industry and can help you design a stunning new front door. You can find more information on our doors page.

What Accreditations Do You Have?

We have achieved Secured By Design accreditation. We are a FENSA-approved installer and have Checkatrade and Homepro accreditations as well.

Do You Do Triple Glazed Windows?

Yes, we do. Our windows are all double glazed as standard, but we can upgrade them to triple glazing if you wish.

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